Top 5 Easy Ways to Get a Six Pack
Some musts for a perfect six pack are:
1. Cardiovascular exercise: You can achieve this by making simple lifestyle changes. You can get some extra steps in every day by choosing a farther parking spot at work and taking the stairs instead of the elevator. You can also get some cardio in by doing chores around the house or even yard work. The best for you though is making a plan like walking, jogging, running, biking, or an aerobic class at least 3 times a week for a period of 30 minutes or more. This is the most crucial step to getting a six pack because you can have a really strong stomach, but without removing the fat over it, you won't have anything to show for all your hard work.
2. Weights: Another very important part for a rock-hard body. If you just perform ab exercises without weights or some kind of resistance, then you won't be tearing down the abdominal muscles, but just conditioning them. I would suggest doing some decline sit ups with a dumbbell for weight and hanging leg raises with weight or someone throwing your legs down, also make sure to do some oblique workouts like bicycle or dumbbell side bends. You need to also do this 2-3 times a week at least.
3. Water: It not only makes up 70% of your body it is also very important in getting a six pack. If you don't have enough water then you'll be dehydrated and your body won't even be able to burn off fat. By drinking more water throughout the day, you'll help in flushing your system of toxins. You'll also help by reducing your hunger, which in turn will help you not eat as much. Usually when you get hungry, you're really just dehydrated, so a good way to tell is to drink a glass of water when you're hungry and then wait 15 minutes. If after 15 minutes you're still hungry, then eat, if not then you were just dehydrated.
4. Low fat: A low fat diet is always good, but make sure it's not one that starves you of carbohydrates (they're essential for your body to run). Low fat diets would include lean meat; this helps because lean meat has a lot of protein, protein takes longer for your body to break down than fat. So more protein equals longer processing, burning more fat. You want to make sure to get about 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. You do this by dividing your weight by 2.2 then multiplying it by 0.8. You want most of your protein to come from lean meats, fish, legumes, and soy. You also want to stay clear of trans fats and try to limit saturated fats because those are the ones that clog your arteries leading to heart disease. Instead go for monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. These good fats get rid of cholesterol in your arteries, a good source of mono- and polyunsaturated fats is in fish and nuts. You must have your fruits and vegetables as well, the more colorful the better! The more colorful they are means that they're rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals; these help in fighting off cancer and diseases. As stated earlier, you must have carbohydrates! You get these through whole wheat or whole grain products; try to stay away from flour and starchy foods. Whole grains are so good for getting that six pack because they usually pack fiber. Fiber helps in cleaning you out and suppressing your hunger. It is also very good at lowering your cholesterol and weight.
5.Sleep: Without enough sleep you'll only continue to gain weight. You need at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night to give your body time for growth and repair of your new muscles on your midsection. Also without enough sleep your body will store whatever you eat near bedtime as fat.
You can see that a good diet and exercise are absolutely imperative for a ripped midsection. By changing a few of your daily habits and diet habits you can achieve that washboard perfection just in time for swimsuit season
Advice on reducing tummy
How to Lose Stomach Fat Fast
1. For hormones - SPIN
Most people think exercising is for burning off calories. Yes that does work, however this exercises helps you to lose weight in a different way. It helps you to bring balance and harmony to your hormones. Without balanced hormones, weight loss is close to impossible. Sure you can lose weight a little here and there, but you'll always gain it back if your "HORMONE PROFILE" isn't corrected.
The surprising answer to balancing hormones is to spin around like a little child. The stimulation this brings to the Endocrine System works to correct your hormones and UNLOCK your body's ability to naturally lose weight.
2. Isometric exercise - the vacuum pose
Again, most people think you need to burn calories to flatten your tummy. Not so. This isometric exercise does nothing for losing weight, HOWEVER, it's the best thing you can do to lose 2-3 inches off your waist in 3-4 weeks.
What you do is simple... take a deep breath and suck in your stomach as much as you... the part of your stomach where your belly button is, not the part near your chest. After you've done that, simply hold that position for 10 or more seconds each time you do it. As you get use to this, you'll be able to hold it for close to 1 minute at a time.
Do this for a total of no less than 5 minutes a day and in 1 month, your stomach will be flatter by 2 or more inches.
This is how to lose stomach fat fast and finally get rid of your fat tummy.
If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and blah blah blah", then...
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Jennifer Jolan
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Jolan
Advice on reducing tummy: post delivery
Include intermediary snacks, such as baby carrots, pretzels, and cherry tomatoes and so on. Avoid refined and processed foods, such as sugar, maida and so on. Fresh and wholesome foods are better, as they are more nutritious and healthy. Avoid the use of clarified butter, margarine, lard and butter and other forms of saturated fats. Vegetable oils, such as groundnut, safflower, sunflower, soy, and flaxseed oil are unsaturated and healthier to the system. Replace whole milk and dairy products with skimmed milk and fat free milk products. Avoid smoking and alcoholic beverages. Deskinned poultry, fish, egg white and lean meat are good sources of high quality protein. Avoid processed meat, such as hamburgers, as they have fat layered between them.
Reducing tummy is also possible by regular activity. Increase your physical activity at home by dusting the house, cleaning the car and scrubbing the floor. Opt for washing clothes by hand, as it involves bending and other kind of expenditure. Use the stairs, rather than using the elevator. Walking, swimming and jogging are exercises that fail to require any sophisticated gym equipments and are easy to practice at any part of the day. Bend forward to touch the floor and raise yourself. This is a simple exercise to help in a flat tummy. Spot reduction is not really possible with exercises. Try your luck for a flat abdomen, as crunches and reverse crunches are highly effective for a flat abdomen. Workouts are important to burn the extra calories, which in turn helps in loss of extra pounds. The reverse crunch involves lying flat on the floor, on your back. Lift your legs and bend the knees at 90 degrees. Lift your hips with the legs in the air and hold. Bring them back to the floor and lift them. Perform this for eight to twelve times, for thrice a week. Alternative therapies, such as meditation and yoga are also helpful in reducing tummy.
How To Effectively Reduce Belly Fat
The first thing you must know about how to effectively reduce belly fat is that there is no magic bullet when it comes to weight loss. Reducing body fat levels requires a three pronged approach that doesn't come from popping diet pills or gulping down foul tasting drinks. Belly fat also won't come off by trying to spot reduce only doing sit-ups or crunches. It's just not possible to spot reduce, so don't waste your time.
So, the question remains, how do you effectively reduce belly fat? Here is a safe, practical three pronged approach to get rid of belly fat.
1. Healthy Meals. Notice the word diet isn't part of the equation. That's because the word diet conjures up visions of carrots and celery and not much else. The word diet gives us nightmares of deprivation and hunger, and that's not the image we're looking for with permanent weight loss. Just because the word diet isn't used does not mean you're free to gorge on junk food at will. Healthy meals consist of lean protein, lots of vegetables, whole grains and some fruit. Your should consistantly choose foods that are as close as possible to their natural state.
2. Cardiovascular Exercise. Regular cardiovascular exercise will reduce body fat levels. Where should you start? Wallking is great cardio! Put your shoes on and get moving for at least 30 minutes per day. It doesn't matter how fast or how far you walk in the beginning, the most important point is that you're moving your body aerobically on a regular basis. If you don't enjoy walking then ride a bike, rollerskate, jog, run. Participate in whatever aerobic activity you enjoy.
3. Lift Weights. Yes, you did read that correctly! If you're wondering what lifting weights has to do with effectively reducing belly fat, then read on. Regular weight lifting has several beneficial effects for those folks trying to reduce their body fat levels. Muscles burn extra calories. The more muscle you carry on your frame, the more calories you burn in a 24 hour period which translates into extra fat burning power. Muscles take up about one third less space than fat. Muscles give you the power to carry on your daily activities more effectively and with energy to spare.
Learning how to effectively reduce belly fat isn't a difficult task. The three principle keys to getting rid of your gut rely on diet, cardiovascular exercise and weight lifting on a regular basis. Remember, you didn't sprout belly fat overnight and you can't get rid of belly fat in a day, but you can reduce belly fat if you're willing to put forth a bit of effort.
What’s the common and sexy link between Posh Spice and Kareena Kapoor
So what are Posh and Bebo talking about?
Designer Manish Malhotra said size zero is so not in, not even in Bollywood, that factory of dreams. “You’ve got to have a bustline and a good butt to complement your waistline.
But in getting a slim waist, most women’s bodies go flat, and that’s a turn off for most men,” said Manish “I have never designed any clothes for size zero. Abroad, many women flaunt a slim waist and get a boob and butt job done to get that accentuated look. But in India, a woman tries to get that look naturally and ends up going all flat. Size zero’s so not done, girls. Get back to your curves.” Designer Nikasha Tawade, on the other hand, said size zero does exist, but it’s American sizing. “To me, this size means the girl has either disappeared into thin air or is just pre-pubescent. And am glad, I’ve never had the privilege to meet anyone of that size.”
Meanwhile, are Posh and Bebo really looked upon for their waif-thin looks? Posh is nicknamed ‘Skeletal Spice’ abroad because of her twig-like frame. In fact, she has turned down women like herself from modelling her denim range. Her belief is that girls don’t have to be ultra skinny to look good. And Posh doesn’t want to be accused of giving young girls a complex about their image and putting pressure on them to be ‘as skinny as her’.
While in Bollywood, Bebo’s slim look didn’t go too well with the audiences in Tashan either. Sporting a blonde hairwig and flaunting a tight, short red dress, Bebo’s curves were lost. Designers Falguni and Shane Peacock declared, “Neither in India nor abroad, have we designed a garment for a size zero woman.”
Wat size is zero?
Size zero is a concept within the fashion media relating to models with low body mass. But, yes, size zero does exist in women’s clothing. A US size zero is equivalent to UK size 4 or a Europe size 32-34. It is a petite size for women with busts of 31.5 inches, waists of 23 inches and hips of 32 inches. Size zero has often been linked to anorexia nervosa and bulimia as many women have to lose a large amount of weight to become so thin.
Single motherhood is no longer the taboo

Thanks to glam gal Sushmita Sen and her gorgeous daughter Renee, single motherhood is no longer the taboo it once was.
Single parents's family portrait with a difference. Babies are in and daddies are out. For more and more women in Delhi, being single doesn't necessarily mean being alone.
Thanks to glam gal Sushmita Sen and her gorgeous daughter Renee, single motherhood is no longer the taboo it once was. Thanks to glam gal Sushmita Sen and her gorgeous daughter Renee, single motherhood is no longer the taboo it once was. And with other celebrities like Raveena Tandon also adopting, many women are determined not to let the absence of a partner dampen their maternal instincts.
"I have been accustomed to living on my own. I adopted a child because I believe you don't always have to be related by blood. I am 43 years of age and still unmarried. It's just so silly to think that a woman needs a man to become a mother! In fact it's good to be a single parent because I can raise my child how I want," says Neena Duggal, who's the proud mom to a 3-year-old bundle of joy.
However the road to motherhood is paved with challenges, and architect Kiran Majumdar admits as much.
According to her: "When I told my family that I wanted to adopt, they were livid. Everyone boycotted me. Even after I got Jhanvi home in 2003, the barbs didn't stop coming. They said horrible things like if I could get pregnant, what was the need to raise someone else's baby? But I was firm about what I wanted from life. There are so many homeless kids in this country and if I wished to take care of one of them, well, that is exactly what I was going to do!"
Neena too had her share of worries. "I am a working woman and my job demands a lot of travel. This became a huge problem after I adopted my daughter. But I was adamant that I wouldn't leave her alone, in a crèche or with a maid. So, I decided to work from home for some time," she says.
No matter what the difficulties, single moms have few regrets about their decision. Sushmita isn't the only one for whom life has become 'very beautiful' after adoption. Interestingly, the maximum number of adoptions took place in 2004.
Each single mom has her own reason for adopting, claims Leela Beigh, secretary of CVARA. Some do it because they don't feel the need for a man, others because they don't want interference from anyone. Being financially and emotionally independent also makes things easier.
"Women are definitely more confident of themselves today but their decision is often circumstantial. It could be a bad marriage or no marriage at all. Circumstances play a very important role," she says.
Whatever the reason, one thing's for sure - with single moms around, 'no man's land' will never be barren. It will bloom into life each time a new sapling is planted.
A Change We Have To Accept

Unmarried Women Gear up
for Parenthood
Despite the traditionally low social status of the women in India, and the bad treatment given to them, times have changed for the better. Indian women in the 21st century are career orientated, happy and are remaining single - all by choice. Gone are the days when women spoke only with their eyes and their bowed heads. They have decided to re-write the rules of the fairly conservative Indian society.
Indian women have now taken a step further, and are enjoying the satisfaction of becoming mothers (something that makes any woman “complete”), even though many of them remain single. Skipping the ‘attachment’ of marriage and men, they are opting to become single parents – by adopting a child.
Single women celebrities like Raveena Tandon and Sushmita Sen have publicly adopted children. Questions, however, in the minds of many are:
- Why have single women opted for adoption?
- What motivates them into accepting the responsibility of a child – especially a female child?
When Sushmita Sen, ex-Ms Universe (1994), was asked about her adopted daughter, Renee, she said that she had wanted to adopt a child ever since she was 18. “As Femina Miss India, I saw so many poor children and from so close, that I wanted to adopt a girl child. It took me years to get one,” she has said. She received a call from an institution in Mumbai that had a pattern of allowing people who are single, to adopt children. The sixth baby that they introduced to Sushmita was sick and not a healthy child. This, coincidently, was the child Sushmita chose to adopt. Sushmita says that single motherhood has been “very beautiful”. She has changed her habits, so that they would not influence the child as she grows up. She has learnt that Renee is her responsibility and she would have to take good care of her.
Raveena Tandon, another celebrity, had adopted two children some ten years ago. When asked how it felt like to be a mother, she replied saying, “It's just wonderful. It's the greatest feeling in the world. And I strongly believe and advocate adoption. I think instead of spending money, injecting someone else's embryo, etc., why not take care of a life that is already alive? As it is the country is so over-populated. If there's a soul already breathing on this planet and crying out for help, why do we need artificial insemination?”
Reema Gupta, 38 and a financial consultant says that she did not get married out of choice. Earlier in her life, she was very focused on just her career and did not want any kind of distractions. She did not even give marriage a thought. Now, being financially settled, she would like to make the most of her earnings for a good cause, and have a sense of satisfaction for having done something for the society. Well, what better way than to adopt a child?
Men, such as Prateek Rastogi, a 24-year-old graduate in Computer Science Engineering and a “Bombayite” in nature, support the concept of a single parent, as long as the child is adopted. “Infact,” he says, “I would place the lady at a higher level”.
Despite the popularity of such a bold concept, there are people who say that the adopted child would never be brought up the same way other children around them would have, just because a single parent does not make a complete family. This, in my opinion, would only be true to some extent. However, a single parent would be able to devote more of his or her time towards the child. His or her priorities would be completely different. The most common argument of a non-believer is that a single woman would never do justice to the child because of the social dishonor attached to unwed mothers. They are thought of as the “bottom of the barrel”.
What I think is the reason that discourages un-wed women to adopt children in this present day and age, is the fear of who would take care of the child in the incident of her death.
The whole concept of a family is undergoing a massive change, but whether it is the beginning of a revolution or not, is still a question that has yet to be answered. This, however, shows that the social status of women in India has improved, and that the Indian society has begun to accept women as individuals, and not just mere pieces of decoration. Nevertheless, the good news is that the Indian law is in the favor of single parent adoption.
We, as educated human beings – educated Indians, rather – should take a stand, allow and encourage these kind of gradual changes in our society. That is the only way that we will be able to truly enhance the image of the women in our country. That is when they will really be worshiped for being the “second half”, or the Ardhangani of a man.
King of tollywood: Mahesh

Ghattamaneni Mahesh Babu, who is son of Telugu Superstar Krishna and Indira Devi, was born on 9 August 1974 in Chennai India. Mahesh Babu, popularly known as Prince, had his education in Chennai. He completed his B.Com graduation in Loyola College, Chennai. He has an elder brother called Ramesh, two elder sisters Padmavathi, Manjula and one younger sister Priyadarsini.He set up his filmy career as a child actor in his Superstar father's film. He entered The Telugu Cinema as hero through the movie Rajakumarudu opposite Bollywood actress Preity Zinta in 1999. The movie Rajakumarudu got good response at the Box Office. He earned a good name from the movie, which became stepping stone for him.
In 2000, his second movie Yuvaraju in which he acted opposite Sakshi Sivanand and Simran, was released. The movie was a big flop at the Box Office. In the same year, Movie Vamsi in which his father Krishna appeared in a pivotal role hit the Telugu screen. He acted with Namratha Shirodkar. Then came his fourth movie Murari directed by Krishna Vamsi and co-starring Sonali Bendre. The music of the movie was a big hit. Though all these three movies were big flops at the box office, he was able to establish himself as hero with good acting in Telugu Cinema.Despite heavy expectations, his fifth movie Takkari Donga did an average collections at the box office. Again his sixth movie Bobby directed by shoban opposite Arti Agarwal was a big flop at the Box Office. With these two flop movies, year 2002 was a very dull phase in Mahesh Babu's career.Finally in 2003, Mahesh babu rocked Telugu audiences with his movie Okkadu, directed by Gunasekhar. The movie became the biggest hit and earned highest amount in Telugu Cinema Industry till date. With this movie Mahesh became the Superstar of Telugu Filmdom. In the same year, his next movie Nijam became big flop at the Box Office. But the movie got him Nandi Award for Best Actor for his performance.While acting in the movie Vamsi in 2000, Mahesh Babu fell in Love with Bollywood actress Namrata. And finally, he married Namrata Shirodkar in February 2005. Mahesh and Namrata gave birth to a son named Gautam Gattamaneni on 31 August 2006.In 2004, Mahesh acted in Tamil hit remake Naani directed By surya and was a big flop at the Box Office. Same year his next flick Arjun was released in summer. The movie was an average grosser at the Box office. In June 2004, Mahesh signed up for film Athadu directed By Trivikram srinivas, which was released in July 2005. The movie was a super hit both in India and overseas. In April 2006, his next two movies, Pokiri and Sainikudu became the highest grosser in the Telugu Cinema Industry. At this point of time, Mahesh had improved his performance a lot. In these two movies, his performance was extremely good and he received rave reviews. In September 2007, his next flick Athidhi in which he paired with Amrita Rao, hit the screens and was a successful movie at the Box Office.Recently, Mahesh Babu gave voice over for movie Jalsa directed by Trivikram and made several heads to turn. Now Prince Mahesh Babu has signed to act in the film Varudu directed by Trivikram Srinivas and produced by Singanamala Ramesh. Parvati Melton has already been signed up as the second heroine. Mahesh Babu is searching for first heroine. Names of Deepika Padukone, Priyanka Chopra and Ileana are being heard for the same. So the search is still on for a glam doll. Mahesh babu has also signed an untitled movie directed by Puri Jagannath project and produced by Warner Bros-Soundarya Rajinikanth. The shooting of the movie will start in end of 2008 and will be released in 2009.According to reliable sources, Mahesh Babu has also given his consent to act in a multi-starrer untitled film to be directed by VV Vinayak and produced by YS Jagan son of Chief Minister YS Rajashekar Reddy. In order to pursue the current trend, the Prince is busy doing physical exercises very hard. He will appear in a novel six-pack get up. In addition, Mahesh is the brand ambassador of Thums Up beverage in South India and is also the brand ambassador of Hero Honda motorcycle.
Drugs rocket in AP
Blog Archive
- Top 5 Easy Ways to Get a Six Pack
- Advice on reducing tummy
- Advice on reducing tummy: post delivery
- How To Effectively Reduce Belly Fat
- What’s the common and sexy link between Posh Spice...
- Single motherhood is no longer the taboo
- A Change We Have To Accept
- Naian tara: redhot
- rahul gandhi: Turban boy
- kareena; happy Birth day
- King of tollywood: Mahesh
About Me
- Top 5 Easy Ways to Get a Six Pack
- Advice on reducing tummy
- Advice on reducing tummy: post delivery
- How To Effectively Reduce Belly Fat
- What’s the common and sexy link between Posh Spice...
- Single motherhood is no longer the taboo
- A Change We Have To Accept
- Naian tara: redhot
- rahul gandhi: Turban boy
- kareena; happy Birth day
- King of tollywood: Mahesh
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- Gay Activists Arrested in Reid Protest on Vegas Strip (1)
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- housefull (1)
- HRC (1)
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- Hungry (1)
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- INC Splinter (1)
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- indra (1)
- Infosys (1)
- Iniesta delivers blow in Spanish triumph (1)
- Innocent (1)
- intend to join Jagan (1)
- interacts with a policeman as other party members sit around (1)
- ipl (5)
- IPL 2010 (1)
- ipl2010 (2)
- Ishqiya (1)
- isi (1)
- issue (1)
- IT (1)
- Jagan mohan and sonia gandhi (14)
- Jagan mohan reddy (4)
- Jagan yatra (2)
- Jagan’s yatra in EG soni gandhi (1)
- janrdhan reddy (1)
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- Jharkhand Results: Setback To Congress’s (1)
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- junior doctors (1)
- K. Chandrasekhar Rao (2)
- K. Chandrasekhara Rao (1)
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- kalki miracles (2)
- kapil sibal (1)
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- Kareena in a year (1)
- Kareena Kapoor (2)
- Kareena kapoor : most photographed woman in Bollywood (1)
- kareenakapoor (1)
- karnataka (2)
- Karnataka CM Yeddyurappa backs Reddy brothers (1)
- kashmir (1)
- katrina kaif (1)
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- killing (1)
- king (1)
- Kinghrt riders (1)
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- Lok Sabha row over (1)
- London dreams (1)
- losses: Ravi (1)
- love (1)
- Lt Col arrested (1)
- M.S. Dhoni and Sakshi (1)
- M.S. Dhoni and Sakshi at the Birsa (1)
- madhu koda (3)
- madhya pradesh (1)
- Maharashtra tricks TD men to board aircraft: Marta politics (1)
- maharastra (2)
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- Mahatma Gandhi (1)
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- mamata benerji (1)
- mangalore (1)
- mani ratnam (5)
- Maoist (1)
- maradona (1)
- Mareppa also described the Congress MPs and MLAs as cowards for failing to take part in Odarpu yatra (1)
- Margadarshi (1)
- match (1)
- mayavathi (5)
- Maytas (1)
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- mumbai (1)
- Munda (1)
- Murder (2)
- muslims (1)
- My political yatra will go on: LK (1)
- nadita puri (1)
- naditha (1)
- Naidu for a week (2)
- Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) president and congress party (1)
- nato (1)
- Naxal (1)
- naxalites (1)
- Naxals butcher 6-year-old in Jharkhand (1)
- NCP (1)
- ndia's shame: (1)
- NDTV (1)
- Negroes (1)
- Netherlands (1)
- New York (1)
- Newly weds Indian cricket captain (1)
- NIIIT (1)
- niit (1)
- Nirupma (1)
- nitin (1)
- nityanadan (1)
- Nityananda (2)
- nitynada (1)
- No middle ground? (1)
- no one's intrest (1)
- no support by the Govt (1)
- nobel prize (1)
- NTV survey (1)
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- Odarpu tour (1)
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- Others (1)
- out of money. (1)
- pain's (1)
- pakistan (4)
- pakisthan (1)
- parties (1)
- passengers are stranded (1)
- Password-stealing virus targets (1)
- Paul to forecast WC final (2)
- PCC presindet (1)
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- PETA (1)
- Phoebe in Wonderland (2008) movie (1)
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- pl tandon Commitee (1)
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- price rise (1)
- private education (1)
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- quattar (1)
- quits (1)
- Ra1 (1)
- rahul (1)
- rahul gandhi (5)
- rahul gandhi AP politics (1)
- rain Accident in West Bengal 50 feared dead (1)
- rains (1)
- rajaneetti (1)
- Rajyasabha (1)
- ram bhoomi (1)
- rama (1)
- Rama Raju got bail as records were safe: Satyam saga continious (1)
- ramoji rao (1)
- ranbir kapoor (1)
- Ranchi (1)
- ranjitha (2)
- Rape victim killed by husband after marriage (1)
- ravan (7)
- ravan story (1)
- rbi (1)
- RCB (1)
- recession (1)
- recrutiment (1)
- Reddy brothers got support from the BJP top brass (1)
- release in April 2012 (1)
- Release psychic (1)
- Reservation for men: Sonia Gandhi (5)
- resevation for OBC (1)
- review (5)
- rich people's mocekry (1)
- right (1)
- right and Brad Pitt arrive at the premiere of "Salt" in Los Angeles (1)
- rights (1)
- robin hood (1)
- roits (1)
- Rosaia (1)
- Rosaiah (2)
- rosaih (2)
- Rupee (1)
- sachin (1)
- Saif to marry (1)
- saifalikhan (1)
- Sajid khan to work with SRK (1)
- sakshi (2)
- sanaker (1)
- satyam babu (1)
- savings (1)
- saytam babu (1)
- sc (2)
- SC supports HC on Mudirajs (1)
- SC/ST atrocities (3)
- Sc/St quota (1)
- scam (1)
- school girl (1)
- Schoolgirl ends life after being called ugly (1)
- score (1)
- seduces (1)
- semifinal (1)
- sex abuse victims (1)
- sex rocket (1)
- sex scandal (1)
- Sex scandal in telugu film Industry:Actors found in city brothel (1)
- Sex scandal rocks Indian hockey; coach resigns (1)
- sex: (1)
- Shah Rukh Khan and Bhansali patch up again (1)
- Shakira (1)
- Shame on the Manu Society (1)
- Shard pawar (1)
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- sharukh khan (2)
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- soccer (1)
- software employees (1)
- sonia and Andhra Pradesh (2)
- Sonia Gandhi Rajiv (2)
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- South Korea (1)
- sp (1)
- Spilnter Congress- party flags (1)
- split (1)
- split personality (1)
- sports (1)
- Sri Bhagavan regrets about big money making.Civil war in Oneness (1)
- srilanka (1)
- srk (1)
- St (1)
- Stepping into YSR shoes:Jagan builds own cadre during yatra (1)
- story (1)
- street children (2)
- strike (3)
- strong (1)
- students in india (2)
- students protest against KCR (1)
- SUBHAPRADAM Telugu Mp3 Songs Download (1)
- sufferings (1)
- suiside (1)
- Superstar Rajinikanth's younger daughter Soundarya tied the knot with Ashwin (1)
- Supreme court (1)
- Sushma Swaraj (1)
- swamy (1)
- t fire (1)
- T20 (1)
- Tags: Andhra Pradesh (1)
- tamil nadu (2)
- tape (1)
- tasleema (1)
- TD president N. Chandrababu Naidu (1)
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- through VCD (1)
- Times on India (1)
- Tmc (1)
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- Top News (1)
- Top Sports News (2)
- torture (1)
- trinamul congress (1)
- TRS (8)
- TRS party (1)
- turn (1)
- Turn TV off for kids to eat healthy (1)
- UGC (2)
- ugly (1)
- undavalli (1)
- unified command (1)
- uniliver (1)
- union carbide (1)
- United Nations names Mukesh Ambani to key group on development goals (1)
- United Progressive Alliance (1)
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- untouchables (1)
- up poor (3)
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- usa (2)
- varsities (1)
- varudu (1)
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- vedam noview review (1)
- Veerappan (6)
- veerppan (4)
- verappan (2)
- verdict (1)
- Vidya Balan (1)
- Vidya to star with Ajay and Anil (1)
- vijay kumar (1)
- vilan (7)
- vilan movie (1)
- vindi (1)
- violenceMaoist bandh (1)
- viskhaptanm (1)
- vizag (1)
- voilation of Human rights (1)
- voilence (1)
- W.bengal (1)
- walll paper (1)
- wants Lok Ayukta to probe (1)
- war (1)
- waranagal (1)
- warangal (1)
- wedding (1)
- west bengal (1)
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- white in india (1)
- Why no reservation for women in RS (4)
- Why Reddy's Targeted : So much Set back after Death of Dr. Ysr (1)
- wife (1)
- women reservation bill (5)
- world (1)
- world cup (4)
- World Cup Hockey (1)
- Y S R reddy (1)
- yatra (1)
- yatra security (1)
- YS Jagan (16)
- ys jagan mohan reddy (1)
- YS Jagan reddy (1)
- ys jagan yatra (1)
- YS Jagan: Loyalist MLAs (1)
- YS R Reddy (4)
- yse jagan (1)
- YSR (3)
- YSR birth day (1)
- YSR Reddy (5)
- yv rao (2)
- zone (1)