What comes to mind when you hear the name Shiloh? Chances are it's not the Civil War battleground or the hard-luck dog.
Most likely, it's the oft-photographed child of A-list couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, better known by their tabloid moniker "Brangelina." That wide-spread awareness has earned the A-list kiddie a spot at the top of Forbes' first-ever look at which Hollywood babies have the most effect on pop culture.
To determine which tykes were tops, we looked at both Web presence and press clippings for more than 50 A-list offspring (5 years old and younger) over the course of a year. Then, with a whittled-down list, we reached out to Encino, Calif.-based polling firm E-Poll Market Research for both awareness data for the kids and consumer-appeal rankings for their celebrity parents.
Shiloh's first-place showing comes from strong rankings across the board. Thanks to high-profile parents with an even more high-profile history, her arrival was long-awaited and -- no surprise -- much covered. In fact, the adorable 1-year-old, the only biological child of the globe-trotting set, popped up in more than 2,000 articles over the course of the year.
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