
Advice on reducing tummy: post delivery

Tummy reduction and diet are interlinked and this calls for a lot of perseverance. A diet rich in complex carbohydrates and low in fat proves beneficial. Increase the dietary fiber, as it contributes to satiety. This ensures decrease in intake. Foods that are a storehouse of dietary fiber are vegetables, raw fruits, whole grains, cereals and so on. Opt for fresh vegetables and fruits, instead of juices, as the latter is devoid of fiber. Increase your three meal pattern to five or six meals. This helps in decreasing your intake. It also suppresses the appetite and prevents bingeing. Bingeing is the act of eating snacks and other junk in between meals. Pizzas, burgers, potato chips and other junk foods are a strong 'no-no', especially with carbonated beverages or fizzy drinks. A healthy breakfast helps to suppress the appetite, throughout the day. Skipping meals increases the pangs of hunger by the end of the day. This results in bingeing excessive calories and fat. Adequate amount of water, around eight to ten glasses, helps in the removal of drugs, toxins and other metabolites.

Include intermediary snacks, such as baby carrots, pretzels, and cherry tomatoes and so on. Avoid refined and processed foods, such as sugar, maida and so on. Fresh and wholesome foods are better, as they are more nutritious and healthy. Avoid the use of clarified butter, margarine, lard and butter and other forms of saturated fats. Vegetable oils, such as groundnut, safflower, sunflower, soy, and flaxseed oil are unsaturated and healthier to the system. Replace whole milk and dairy products with skimmed milk and fat free milk products. Avoid smoking and alcoholic beverages. Deskinned poultry, fish, egg white and lean meat are good sources of high quality protein. Avoid processed meat, such as hamburgers, as they have fat layered between them.

Reducing tummy is also possible by regular activity. Increase your physical activity at home by dusting the house, cleaning the car and scrubbing the floor. Opt for washing clothes by hand, as it involves bending and other kind of expenditure. Use the stairs, rather than using the elevator. Walking, swimming and jogging are exercises that fail to require any sophisticated gym equipments and are easy to practice at any part of the day. Bend forward to touch the floor and raise yourself. This is a simple exercise to help in a flat tummy. Spot reduction is not really possible with exercises. Try your luck for a flat abdomen, as crunches and reverse crunches are highly effective for a flat abdomen. Workouts are important to burn the extra calories, which in turn helps in loss of extra pounds. The reverse crunch involves lying flat on the floor, on your back. Lift your legs and bend the knees at 90 degrees. Lift your hips with the legs in the air and hold. Bring them back to the floor and lift them. Perform this for eight to twelve times, for thrice a week. Alternative therapies, such as meditation and yoga are also helpful in reducing tummy.


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